::::: : the wood : davidrobins.net

14 years

News, Baby ·Saturday September 2, 2017 @ 22:36 EDT (link)

We celebrated our 14-year anniversary today at Peterson's Restaurant (it was actually on the 30th). It will be the last with just the two of us1, as Wee Tiny will be arriving soon.

I'm also trying out a new image plugin, lightGallery. Here are some of the preparations made for Wee Tiny's arrival:

On the last picture you can see (on the far left) a camera we bought for use as a baby monitor (thanks to Chan from work for making a fix so that it works correctly with exacqVision's ONVIF support).

The table on the left is the dining-room table (and chairs) I grew up with; my parents are selling their house and were getting rid of it, and some other pieces, so we rented a panel van and brought it back with us. We put it in the nook and moved the existing table (a unit I bought from CORT when in Memphis, maybe the first piece of furniture I owned) upstairs, below (with solder station).

1 Later to be known as David Geoffrey Robins, after a large number of David's, my father and Honey's grandfather first among them, and my grandfather, Harold Geoffrey Cater, who went by his middle name.

Books finished: Rogue Lawyer., The Righteous Mind, Grey Mountain, For Us, the Living, The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge, The Iron Web, Mightier Than the Sword, Cometh the Hour, Mentats of Dune, Navigators of Dune.