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Christmas in Canada

News ·Monday December 31, 2012 @ 13:53 EST (link)

And this is the way of it (dates in December, of course).

14: Struck out for WV after work—on the road by ~1800 (I went in to work early).

15: Stopped in WV for the day and for Honey's birthday.

16: Arrived in Canada in time for Brockview's Christmas program.

19: Went to the Yades at 6pm; had Chinese food, played some board games; Bethany Trotter was there a bit later and so Jon brought out some of his firearms, including a pellet gun we shot from the porch. Had a great visit.

21: Scott's party! Honey couldn't come because she (thought she) was getting together with Bethany. Good time, played a fun (yet awful!) game called Cards Against Humanity. Quite a snowy night, low visibility, high slipperiness, so I had trouble finding the place especially as Google Maps took me down a road that didn't exist so I ended up driving up and down a stretch of Highway 20 looking for a road that wasn't there until I called and got better directions. Met Patrick there briefly, and found he's a fellow voluntaryist and gun enthusiast (via Facebook, later).

22: Uncle Murray had us over in the afternoon (3-5pm) as well as various other cousins for food and drink and cheer.

23: Went to Thorold South for their talent show in the morning and food later; good show, little long, good food too though.

24-26: Family Christmas, details are secret.

27: Took the Trotters to Swiss Chalet, an then back to their place for coffee.

28: Took Emily and Julia to Fonthill's only hangout, the MyPlace Bar and Grill; got to talk a little, had some fun.

29: Left in the morning so we would get there for church Sunday. Very snowy roads, especially US-19.

January 1: Left for home to be back at work for the next day.

Books finished: All Marketers Are Liars (With a New Preface), Tribes, The Personal MBA, Jack: Straight from the Gut, Linchpin, The Dip.