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Thanksgiving in WV

News, Work, Guns ·Monday November 26, 2012 @ 22:00 EST (link)

Freedom Scientific had a company picnic Wednesday the 21st (1pm at Lake Seminole park); I was going to work offsite then, but switched to Monday to make the picnic and so we had the same amount of time for Thanksgiving. There was a good showing—not too many had left for vacation early—and they grilled some pretty good burgers. I brought a past Office ship gift, an HD video camera, and tried it out for the first time taking some videos (still haven't edited them yet…). We left after we ate, and didn't stay for games; we had a lot of driving (13-14 hours).

We didn't leave the apartment until 1845; we drove straight through and arrived in the morning around 0830, and slept some. Went to papa (Honey's grandfather)'s for Thanksgiving later on. Got some work done Friday and Saturday. Friday afternoon I went shooting "up the mountain" with Ray and my father in law; we shot paper targets and glass coke bottles. The distance (about 50 feet) was a little long for pistols, but doable, and really too close for the Ruger 10/22.

Friday evening went to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 with Honey, Emily, and Honey's mom—ate at Chick-fil-A first (which worked out well because I wasn't tempted to buy any overpriced movie food/drink). Honey's papa asked me to speak Sunday evening, so I spoke from Nehemiah 8 about the reading of the book of the law. We left Monday morning, rolling out around 0645 and getting home around 2130 (stopped at a gun store on the way in Georgia; bought a pistol rug for the new gun).