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Roundcube is in, Horde/IMP is out

News, Technical ·Thursday November 29, 2012 @ 21:16 EST (link)

Horde/IMP (webmail) is out; it didn't manage to come back after the crash and Roundcube is much nicer, easier to setup, etc. I'm even using it myself (I had installed Horde for Honey), rather than Mutt, although mass operations/moves are better done from the command prompt.

The only few issues with it are (1) not moving to the next message after deletion, (2) having to re-select a message to operate on it (e.g., delete) if the preview pane is up after it is selected, and (3) sometimes it sorts new messages last, even sorting by date; it seems to do that mainly with injected (programmatic) mail.

Books finished: Purple Cow, What the CEO Wants You To Know, Hogfather.