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Today, I love Windows

News, Technical ·Sunday August 12, 2012 @ 20:32 EDT (link)

I take back most of the mean things I've said about Windows in the past, and some of the kind things I've said about Source Insight.

So, when you tell Source Insight that a project does not share the global config file, it creates a brand new one (as opposed to, say, letting you base it on the global one, which would be sensible). Then when you change your mind, it clobbers the global one with the brand new one, wiping out all your customizations. This is possibly the first insanely stupid thing I've seen Source Insight do, but it's a doozy.

I remembered seeing this interesting looking "versions" tab on a Windows explorer file properties page, so like a drowning man clutching a straw I brought up the page for the lost GLOBAL.CF3 configuration file—and joyfully, it had a backup from last week it could bring back! All my customizations (some from BryanK, I think, from Office, and many local ones) were back! I still lost a few changes (which I just restored); but nothing to the months I'd otherwise lose. (Yes, I'm aware Unix can do this and probably did it first. The SunOS machines at Waterloo did these sorts of automated backups, for instance.)

Today Windows (and perhaps the IT people who set it up?) gets a point.