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The $400 license plate

News, Political ·Saturday December 17, 2011 @ 22:38 EST (link)

I was rather disgusted at the extortion conducted by the gang of thugs known as the state of Florida when we went to get license plates for Honey's car: just about $400 for all of it. The largest part is called an "impact fee" ($225) which is required when bringing cars into the state or buying a new car (although it is transferable from another vehicle registered in the same name). A license—any license—is merely protection money; a promise not to do harm for some period of time to a person engaging in a peaceful activity. Sort of a, "Nice house, wouldn't want something to happen to it…" demand to, well, anyone they want money from, from hairdressers to hepatologists.

Calling that $225 part of the extortion an impact fee is laughable on its face. First, they do no emission test; but that's not the most obvious flaw, for it could be reasoned that the condition of each car averages out. No; what gives the lie is that it cannot be transferred from someone leaving the state (and thus taking their car and its "impact" with them) to someone entering (net theoretical "impact" change, zero). So why do they charge the fee? Because they have more guns. That is all there is to it; and I challenge anyone to find any other valid justification.

So, I designed and ordered a bumper sticker today from makestickers.com; black on white; silhouette of a gun, pointing up (fit better that way; looks like a 1911), text:


They should arrive soon. It won't do anything about the cost, but it'll let people know how I feel about it. I'm happy to provide the PNG file if anyone wants it (or the Paint.NET file with the layers), for other Florida residents that have bad memories about being robbed, although apparently the higher fees are only two years old so many would be grandfathered in. Damn, the whole state is geared towards grandfathers, it seems (see also the property tax exemption). That's the downside of living in God's waiting room, I suppose (and of the majoritan tyranny called democracy). Our cars will be sporting the stickers soon.