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2A day, Tinkham pit

News, Guns ·Saturday July 16, 2011 @ 17:15 EDT (link)

Another Microsoft gun group "Second Amendment" (2A) day was held at Tinkham pit (off I-90 exit 42) today, and this is the way of it. The meetup was scheduled from 1100-1600, but that seemed a tad early for a weekend so I didn't leave until a little after 1100, arriving at the pit at around 1230? perhaps. On the last stretch of road, where I was wondering if I had gone the right way (right at the fork), the driver of a green Nissan, Adam, hailed me, coming the other way; he too was looking for the pit and despaired of finding it, having turned after going about another quarter mile in my direction. I said I thought this was the right road, and so he followed me and indeed, about a half mile there was the pit and 4-5 vehicles. Some people had put up square tents to keep the rain off; it rained intermittently while we were there and the sun shone brilliantly as we prepared to leave. Such is the Pacific northwest.

I backed close to the firing line and set up my camping chair and brought my AR-15 and boxes and target cardboard over, as well as some bowling pins and pop cans, and waited for a ceasefire to set up. While waiting, I loaded some Glock and XDM magazines (AR-15 mags were already loaded, as was my one, lonesome SCAR 17 magazine). I set up a shooting gallery of pop cans for pistol, then further back the target cardboard (piece of cardboard with 3x2 printed bull's-eye targets on it), also stapling the 1040 guidebook to it (since it's illegal to shoot politicians and IRS bureaucrats). I also set up a row of bowling pins further back. When the range went hot, I preceded to demolish them all with abandon. The AR-15 sight needed a little adjustment, so I used the paper targets for that. Next ceasefire, I set up the pins again and another box of (cheap, diet—less sticky) pop cans; and that was about it. I shot my Glock 34 and XDM9, and AR-15, but not the SCAR 17S, although I did get it out for the picture and for some people to take a look at. Josh came out; apparently Tony was there earlier; Ken was there, and a few people I knew from the group but hasn't met previously; perhaps 10 in all. Not like some of the bigger gatherings at Sultan in times past, but a good-sized group for this pit.

That took us to just after 1500, which is when cleanup began, drinking was done (it is not snobbery to drink bottled beer!), and people started to leave. Got home about 1700—time to clean up, dry everything out, and clean guns.

Books finished: Phantom, Who.