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Dad recovering from bike accident

News ·Monday May 23, 2011 @ 10:39 EDT (link)

Mom called Saturday morning—while I was talking to Uncle John and Aunt Sharon and arranging to stop in as it happened—to let us know that Dad had taken a fall on his bike and broken some bones.

On Thursday May 19th he was biking on a rough road (construction zone), fell, and broke bones in his pelvis. They're letting it heal naturally (so far… this could still change); it may cause him to need a hip replacement five years or so down the road. He's in hospital and on pain meds. We called him Sunday afternoon to see how he's doing; he's holding up well; we talked about ten minutes. He'll be in hospital for a week, maybe two. They probably won't make it out here for graduation; it was nice that Aunt Sharon and Uncle John are coming (and offered to do parent duty for the day!) The injury is somewhat similar to John's fall on the ice this winter.

Our prayers and thoughts are with the family back in Ontario and we hope that recovery proceeds well.