Second amendment rally in Olympia
News, Political, Guns ·Saturday April 30, 2011 @ 17:03 EDT (link)
We drove down to the Second Amendment Rally in Olympia (the state capital) today; the crowd wasn't that big but we did see some friends and there were a couple good speakers. I didn't bring out the flag—not enough wind, not enough of a crowd; too distracting with so few people.
I'm not sure what effect the rally had, to be honest; the legislators (except for the state senator that spoke) were surely all taking an (undeserved) weekend break. But it was good to be together with like-minded people; perhaps a venue with more passing traffic would have been better for awareness, however.
(Went to West Coast Armory range to shoot Friday evening—just pistols, all of them but the Buck Mark and Honey's XDM 3.8. We also stopped at McDonald's on the way home—open carrying, with no comments.)