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Natural political progression

Political ·Wednesday April 27, 2011 @ 20:46 EDT (link)

Liberal: callow youth default—brainwashed by government schools to think the government is supernaturally wise and does good, that it does what it does through consent, even perhaps a "social contract"; that taxes are voluntary, and can be spent better by the government than individuals. Burns books instead of reading them (except the Communist Manifesto and whatever their liberal professors have written).

Neoconservative: doesn't believe everything government does is good any more—starts to believe in cutbacks, in limits, in some individual responsibility (eliminate personal welfare), but still fine with aggressive wars, tariffs, licensing of professions, corporate welfare, and government control of banking. Can talk a good line, but fundamentals are shaky and doesn't delve too deep because of the moral implications.

(Goldwater) Conservative/minarchist libertarian: realizes government screws up almost everything it touches; that taxes are taken and wasted; has an uneasy feeling that the political process is broken; government should be limited to police, courts, and military, or at least to "constitutional" size. Some attempt at consistency and principles: you own what you produce, and so forth. Reads books instead of burning them.

Voluntaryist/libertarian anarchist: understands government cannot be kept limited; that taxes are collected through extortion, that regulation is a non-monetary tax, that the state cannot follow its own laws (e.g., against theft and violence), and is unfit to exist in any society calling itself "free". Understands non-aggression axiom and its foundation on self-ownership. Knows what "metaphysics" is.

Books finished: The Food and Drink Police, Temple of the Winds.