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Atlas Shrugged part I movie

News, Media ·Friday April 15, 2011 @ 17:51 EDT (link)

Went to see it at 1445 at the Lincoln Square Cinemas, supposedly with CLAMS, but only a couple others showed up, none I knew by sight, and we didn't sit together: we sat lower down so Honey wouldn't be blocked (still an excellent seat—front center of the second block of seats, with plenty of leg room).

We thought the movie was quite good; it captured the book well and being set in the future was no loss, as they explained why trains were again necessary (basically the government had done to the nation what they did to Detroit). Taylor Schilling (who we knew as Veronica from the short-lived drama Mercy) did a good job playing Dagny, as did the other actors; portrayals were good, they stayed on-message (as one would expect with the Ayn Rand Institute owning the rights and probably maintaining script approval at least). On the whole worth the money; a well done production; we're looking forward to part II.