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Greenfield rights infringement

News, Political, Law ·Wednesday March 30, 2011 @ 00:27 EDT (link)

There is an email-writing campaign on behalf of Adam Mueller and Pete Eyre, arrested in 2010 in Greenfield, MA for filming police, and charged with illegal wiretapping (despite recording in plain sight) and other sundry crimes (e.g., resisting arrest, when they practiced passive non-resistance). Videos and a detailed timeline are available on CopBlock.org, a great site that collects videos and evidence of police misconduct. To borrow from L. Neil Smith in his (beta) book Where We Stand: Over the hundreds of years of police activity in the US, none have had to contend with such a thing as individuals who have their own portable recorders and information sources—hearing them whimper about the Internet (which is shining light on their many abuses) is nothing but sweet music to my ears.

Here is the letter I sent to EyesonGreenfield@gmail.com, which is collecting them to forward on to Greenfield's police, the judge in the case, city council, and so forth:
To whom it may concern:

I am writing to lend my support to Adam Mueller and Pete Eyre, arrested last year in Greenfield, MA for no other reason than the police had the power (force) to do so: "might makes right"! They had harmed nobody; they had not even broken any rules; and for that they are subjected to violent incarceration and infringement against their right to liberty. Is that how things work in the town of Greenfield, in the state of Massachusetts, in America? This violence against peaceful people must stop. The people of Greenfield and their representatives must step up and say, "It stops here."

Restoration of America as a nation ruled by moral laws rather than arbitrary and capricious men must begin at the local level. I call upon people of conscience to abjure the wickedness that condemns harmless acts and to free Mr. Mueller and Mr. Eyre, with apologies for the aggravation they have been put through and grateful acknowledgment and thanks for the wake-up call that these two and their supporters were able to deliver. It is time that victimless so-called crimes with arbitrary penalties enacted by petty, officious employees of the state—our servants!—were put to rest as a relic of a barbaric past. May it begin in Greenfield.

David B. Robins, BMath, MS
Writing an email is an easy thing to do and the cause is certainly just and worth the time to set a few thoughts to paper (perhaps it aims a little high, but one's principles should energize a reach for the stars).

Books finished: The Witling, Hamilton's Curse.