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100% of Irish nationals surveyed agree my AR is better than Max's

News, Guns ·Sunday March 13, 2011 @ 16:06 EDT (link)

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We were promised food, but no food was provided.

Let me start from the beginning. We were promised food. Did I mention that? Max wanted to take his Irish soon to be brother-in-law Ed (hope I got that right) who had to leave the country soon to an outdoor range where he could shoot rifles, so he asked a few of us that were members at SVRC if we could take him and Ed there as guests, and in thanks he'd provide food—mouthwatering pork cooked to perfection with several kinds of sauce. Garrett and I agreed to go shoot that weekend, at noon; I showed up at perhaps 1205 and Max and Ed were already there; Tony arrived a little after I did, Garrett maybe half an hour later. But there was to be no food: Max's sous vide blew up, or something. :(

But I did get to shoot Max's baby, his Steyr Scout, as did others; and there are pictures. Garrett showed up with his arsenal and Tony brought a few fun toys too, like a Beretta CX4 Storm carbine; and we were hitting the metal targets at the back of the range (200 yards, supposedly, although I've heard it may only be 178) quite consistently. We had a couple spotting scopes up, and I think this was the first time I had my Caldwell Rock shooting rest out.

Regarding the AR, Ed liked my red-dot scope and magnifier better but Max's Magpul stock made his better for felt recoil.

I left around 1430; there was some talk of going to eat afterward, but I don't think it went anywhere. Nice to meet Ed, and Tony (first time in person); I'd met Max before at a group buy at Surplus Ammo. We should do this sort of thing more often.