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First Action Pistol shoot

News, Guns ·Saturday March 12, 2011 @ 14:12 EST (link)

I just got back from my first action pistol shoot at SVRC—first in which I participated, that is. Honey came to observe this time. We got there around 1030, and just got home a few minutes ago (1400). The weather was pretty miserable—constant drizzle—which may be why they set up four stages (one with two different courses) by the rifle range firing line instead of downrange at the sides and far end. I'd loaded mags the night before—five standard Glock mags and a 33-round mag (which I learned wasn't eligible, but hadn't expected it to be; I was loading it for another outing). The most mags needed for a course was four (three mandatory reloads), and there was plenty of time to reload between.

When we arrived they had started shooting, but I was by no means late: they put me into the (larger) "new shooter" group and most hadn't gone through the first stage yet. I had had the safety instruction at a previous event when I didn't shoot, so was good to go. Seemed like most targets were about 10 yards out, and I'd been practicing (with the Glock 34 that I used) at 15, so it wasn't too difficult; not many misses. I need to work on points on the paper targets (too many out of the A-zone) and speed, which I'll do at future events. Had fun, will definitely be back.