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Seattle Geek Shootout

News, Guns ·Wednesday March 9, 2011 @ 20:27 EST (link)

We went to an event called the "Seattle Geek Shootout" (Facebook event), #3 in a series (our first attendance) on Wednesday at West Coast Armory. It was listed as 6-9pm but didn't start until 6:30. The group—which only ended up being 10-12 people (some there were joking about "event math" and the "Seattle flake factor", which leads to 30-some FB "Yes"es and the same number of Maybes becoming 10-12)—had booked the LE ("Law Enforcement", #3) bay, and the previous group in the LE bay went long. Worries about crowding were completely unwarranted. They put up 5 rectangular tables across the bay 10 yards from the target line, and clipped a bunch of those big zombie targets on a string. The tables were the firing line. There was some brief instruction and then people were shooting, with the folks from GunUp providing one-on-one help for newbs that had rented guns. I wanted to take a look at my first target when they changed them (after someone shot the string) but I wasn't fast enough; they threw out the pile pretty quick.

We left around 7:30—were about shot out, didn't really know anyone (except Mitchell—nice to meet in person), and I didn't see the point. It was more of an "introduce newbs to shooting" event: people blasting away at a bunch of zombie targets with more concern about making noise than accuracy. We left after about an hour of shooting even though the event was scheduled longer. It was nice to have some free zombie targets and shoot our XDMs again (second range trip!), and the .22, but it wasn't nearly as good as shooting with a bunch of MSGun people at a pit, or even working on skill improvement on my own. I appreciated the effort the GunUp and WCA folk went to setting it up, for sure; I guess we just weren't the intended audience. The group was going to eat afterward; we went out to Subway instead on the way home.

Books finished: Spearwielder's Tale.