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Additions to the family

News, Guns ·Sunday February 27, 2011 @ 12:02 EST (link)

This weekend we drove down to Puyallup to go to the WAC gun show, with the aim of getting a carry gun for Honey (who just paid the state's shakedown fee and got her non-infringement permit), and possibly one for me too. We ended up getting her a Springfield Armory XDM-9 3.8 (compact), black, and me a standard XDM-9, black slide, OD ("Olive Drab") green receiver. We also got her a concealed carry purse (Rama Leather). We picked up Honey's gun at the gun show, and mine and her purse at a store called Welcher's Gun Shop in Tacoma: since we were going all the way to Puyallup, I found a few other gun stores nearby, some recommended on The High Road, some I knew already. It was the first time we'd stopped in at Welcher's, and The Marksman; we also stopped at Federal Way Discount Guns and Surplus Ammo and Arms (bought 500 rounds of Wolf since I just ran out).

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