Guns for Honey
News, Guns ·Saturday February 19, 2011 @ 18:23 EST (link)
We went over to West Coast Armory this evening to rent their guns (all in one caliber, $15), to find a carry gun for Honey, since she recently got her concealed carry permit (yes, we know it's a shakedown; that's a topic for another day). We tried out all 9mms, and mostly XDs (XD-9 subcompact, XD-9 standard, XDM-9) and a Glock 19. I liked them all, and was glad they finally had a 9mm XDM in; pretty sure I'll pick up one soon. Honey also liked the XDs over the Glock (although I think I also want a Glock 19—did great with it too and it's a good companion to the 34), so we'll probably get her an XDM 3.8; perhaps at the WAC gun show next week in Puyallup.
Still having a hard time finding a SCAR-H (17S) that's not overpriced… guess they're still new enough for demand to well outstrip supply. Hopefully things settle a little and I can get one for around $2600. Also now that I had the chance to handle and fire some of Mark's revolvers I'll feel more confident looking at used and new revolvers at the gun show—I have an idea of what I like, such as the Ruger Security Six or S&W 686—so might pick up one too, more for fun than to carry.